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Tawny Scrawny Lion Soup Club

The opposite of hungry isn’t necessarily full. 
To be sated, in the true sense of the word, perhaps “connection” makes all the difference? It did for the Tawny Scrawny Lion, befriended by the bunnies! 
Join our Club, and feast on homemade soup, made with shared recipes, grocery donations and lots of love! 

Pickup Wednesday between 11am and 6pm

Reheat & Eat:

2 x 500ml $11.50 or 3 x 500ml for $15

2 x 1L $23 or 3 x 1L for $30

Pickup Dates:

January 19, 26, Feb 2: Takeout only/shop closed

February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30: Takeout, or Dine in at our common table and make some new friends!

*February & March Dine-in Bowl $7.00 includes freshly-baked something to dip!